Tuesday, March 31, 2009

U of Minnesota Indoor Meet Information

Meet: U of Minnesota ROTC Indoor Meet
Date: Saturday, April 4th
Place: U of Minnesota Fieldhouse - 1800 University Avenue Minneapolis, MN
Time: Track athletes should arrive at 8:30am. Check in is at 9:15am and events start at 9:30am. Please allow proper time to find the facility and to warm up for your events.

Meet Information:
Girls Meet Lineup - http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pSg3vrrlcPjUpGzuiPm1RLg&hl=en
Boys Meet Lineup - http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pSg3vrrlcPjWw4LZxJQJePw&hl=en

Not all Trinity Track & Field athletes will be competing in this meet. We have split the squad and most are competing either Thursday or Saturday, only a few athletes are competing at both meets.

Concordia Meet information

Meet: Concordia Academy-Roseville Meet
Date: Thursday, April 2nd
Place: Concordia Academy HS - 2400 Dale Street North St. Paul, MN
Time: Track athletes will leave immediately following school. It is approximately a 30-minute drive to Concordia Academy and events start at 4:00pm.
Meet Information:
Girls Meet Lineup - http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pSg3vrrlcPjViiBlwDmj4AA&hl=en
Boys Meet Lineup - http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pSg3vrrlcPjXBfbeMfgk_Kw&hl=en

Not all Trinity Track & Field athletes will be competing in this meet. We have split the squad and most are competing either Thursday or Saturday, only a few athletes are competing at both meets.

Week Four Schedule

Here's the Week Four schedule:

Monday, March 30th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Tuesday, March 31st: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Wednesday, April 1st: optional morning run (captain led) at 7am at Trinity School
Thursday, April 2nd: Concordia-Roseville Meet - 4:30pm in Roseville - leave immediately following school. (If this meet is cancelled we plan to still have practice from 5:15-7pm this day.) **Only some athletes are participating in this meet...not all**
Friday, April 3rd: 5:15-7pm at Richfield HS Track
Saturday, April 4th: U of Minnesota ROTC Indoor Meet - 9:30am at Bierman Fieldhouse - arrive at 8:30am to warmup and setup camp. **Only some athletes are participating in this meet...not all**

Let me know if you have any questions.


Week Three Schedule

Here's the Week Three practice schedule:

Monday, March 23rd: Boys - 3:30-5:15pm, Girls 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Tuesday, March 24th: Boys - 3:30-5:15pm, Girls 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Wednesday, March 25th: optional morning run (captain led) at 7am at Trinity School
Thursday, March 26th: Boys - 3:30-5:15pm, Girls 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Friday, March 20th: Everyone - 3:30-5:15pm at Trinity School
Saturday, March 21st: U of Minnesota Track Clinic - 9:30am-3pm at Bierman Fieldhouse, arrive at 8:45am to register. Run on your own if you are unable to attend.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Friday, March 20, 2009

Trinity Track & Field Coach Information

Trinity 2018 Track & Field Coaches:

Wes Rohrer (Head Coach) jrohrer@trinityschools.org
Tim Gerdes (Sprints/Relays)
Amy Root (Admin)

Thursday, March 19, 2009

St. Olaf Indoor Meet

Meet: St. Olaf Indoor Meet/Time Trials
Date: Saturday, March 21st
Place: St. Olaf College in Northfield, MN
Time: Track athletes should arrive 45 minutes before the start of the first events, so 4:45pm. The first events start at 5:30pm, but we need to setup camp and be properly warmed up to race, jump and throw.
Directions: St. Olaf College is located at 1520 St. Olaf Avenue Northfield, MN.
From the Minneapolis-St. Paul area, the fastest option for most people is to follow 35 South from the merge of 35W/35E about 18 miles to the Northfield exit and go east on MN-19. You will take this 6 miles to the first St. Olaf College entrance on the north side of the road. As you drive up the hill you are looking for the Tostrud Center on the left side of the road. The indoor track is in that building and there are parking lots surrounding it.
Supper: This meet takes place over the normal supper hour, but there will be no official supper planned. Please bring some snacks and something to drink between events. There should also be some concession stand items sold at the facility.

Meet Information:
Information on order of events and rules of the facility can be found at - http://www.stolaf.edu/athletics/track/men/media/0809/hs-time-trials.doc.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Week Two - Practice Schedule

Here's the Week Two practice schedule:

Monday, March 16th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Tuesday, March 17th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Wednesday, March 18th: optional morning run (captain led) at 7am at Trinity School
Thursday, March 19th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Friday, March 20th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Saturday, March 21st: 5:30pm St Olaf Indoor Meet at Northfield.

Let me know if you have any questions.


Monday, March 9, 2009

Week One - Practice Schedule

Hopefully, you are all aware, but Trinity Track & Field starts this week!

Here's the tentative (...I say tentative because we are still working out some details for practice facilities and times) schedule:

Monday, March 9th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Tuesday, March 10th: 3:30-5:15pm at Trinity School
Wednesday, March 11th: optional morning run (captain led) at 7am at Trinity School
Thursday, March 12th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School
Friday, March 13th: 5:15-7pm at Trinity School (athletes in Senior Drama can run on their own at 3:30pm)
Saturday, March 14th: Mock Meet from 10am-12pm at Trinity School

Let me know if you have any questions.
