Saturday, March 8, 2014


Scorpions - 10 each side - try to touch foot to hand on opposite side...good hip flexor stretch
Double-Leg Eagles - 10 each side - sweep your legs to each side and pause in the middle
Medicine Ball Side Toss (with partner) - 10 each side - have hands ready to absorb the weight
Arm Swings - 10 each side - to warmup shoulders
Arm Swings with Discus - 10 each side - same, except with discus in hand...trunk rotations
Discus Bowling - nice and easy...just like a bowling delivery, roll discus straight off front fingers
Discus Tosses/Finger Flips - toss disc high and let it roll off the front finger
Skimming with Flat Discus - this is with no finger action on the release...just trying to throw the disc level
Skimming with Spinning Discus - now you add pushing the disc off the front finger to get the spin of the disc along with it being level
Quarter Spin - back of circle, without discus
180 Spin - back of circle, without discus
3/4 Spin - back of circle, without middle
360 Spin - back of circle, full spin to starting position 
Half Turns - with discus in hand
Power Throws - standing throw, no steps, full force this video they throw bowling pins, I like to use full water bottles at times
Step Throughs - start in circle, but eliminate the turn at the start...start with the step to the middle
South Africans - right foot out the back of the circle to begin the spin
Full Spin - throwers are always going to want to rush to the full spin throw, drills and technique should be valued, especially for beginners...and when working to correct an issue
Things to Remember:
1 - Focus on Balance Above All - if you are off balance, the throw will not go straight or up speed through practicing the spin drills without a discus
2 - Slow to Fast Rhythm - start slow with the first step and build up to fast
3 - Low to High - start in a squatted position and build to the throw where you will be standing tall with your head held high
4 - Snap Your Hip - hip drive is going to generate your power to throw far
5 - Keep Your Discus Arm Long and Straight - have a long lever to build force across the circle and keep it straight and at shoulder level when you release the discus
6 - Stay on the Balls of Your Feet - all throughout the circle, with each step you should be off of your heels
7 - Fly Off Front Fingers - the discus should fly off of your front fingers and move in a clockwise motion, not off the back of your hand
8 - Snap Your Lead Arm Down - as part of the throw and follow through, your lead arm should snap down to help drive the discus arm forward...this is called creating a block
9 - Create Torque - you must keep your discus arm back behind your hip throughout the throw to build up torque (power) to throw far…get a big wind up
10 - Be An Athlete - throwing the discus should be a fluid movement of grace and power

Breakdown of Discus Throw by Matt Ellis at Primal ATC-
1 - Proper Grip & Release of the Discus-
2 - Getting Started in the Back of the Circle-
3 - Turning out of the Back of the Circle-
4 - Starting your Drive Phase-
5 - The Mirror Turn-
6 - Power Position-
7 - Proper Block and Release-

More Primal ATC Discus Videos-
How to Keep the Right Foot Turning -
Stop Dropping Throwing Shoulder -

Four Step Approach to Discus-
(Standing Throw, Step and Turn, Modified South African, South African) will also see a backward "7" in the discus circle in this video, I sometimes draw that with chalk to show the feet position and where the left foot should end as you spin through the circle

Discus Drills-

Drills with John Ridgway (the reverse, knee tuck, half turn)-

Drills with Larry Judge (challenge wheel, line drills, turn drills)-

Pivoting Drills with Didier Poppe-

Discus Delivery Exercises-
...there are some great discus-specific weight lifting exercises in this video 

Other useful Discus Videos and Information-

Discus Corrections for Beginners-
(Opening up early on delivery and losing balance)

High School Discus Boys Throws-

Training the High School Discus Thrower-

Top 10 Discus Throwers of All-Time-

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